Biochemic Cell Salts – Uses & Benefits Calcarea fluorica (Calcium fluoride) Available brands, buy online:,Calcarea fluorica is referred to as the elasticity mineral. It is present in the cells of the enamel of the teeth, bone, and in the fibers of the skin. It is generally indicated for relaxed muscle tissues in the body. A constituent of the bones and the tooth enamel. It is contained in the epidermic (outermost layer of the skin) cells and in the elastic tissues. It suits flabby constitution, their connective tissue and of the elastic fibers, tendency to varicose veins and chronic ulcerated varicose veins with severe, piercing pains. Pains in the lumbar region (low back or loin) and lumbago.
Particularly as a consequence of osteochondrosis in the lumbar part of the spine. Neuralgia and neuritis. Extensively used for varicose.
Osteomyelitis (inflammation of the bone), bone fistulas, periostitis, formation of exostoses (benign growth projecting from the bone surface), hyperkeratosis, induration (hardening) of glands and connective tissue, weak ligaments of the uterus and the adnexa (accessory structures) with tendency to prolapse, myositis, ulcus cruris (leg ulcers), dental caries, paradentosis, styes, neuralgia and lumbago. Calcarea phosphorica (Calcium phosphate) Available brands, buy online:,Calc phos is referred to as the cell mineral. This salt is essential for the creation of new cells, especially bone cells. It is widely distributed of all salts in the body; it occurs in all cells. It is a constitutional remedy for anaemic, scrofulous, leptosomatic, rachitic, neurasthenic children and women suffering from lymphatism, emaciation and rapid mental fatigue. Retarded dentition. Predisposition to chlorosis (greenish yellow discoloration of the skip) and rachitis.
Defective bone development. Late closing fontanelles. Chronic diarrhoea with watery, greenish slimy stools and undigested food, chronic lack of appetite and headaches in school children. Predisposition to colds. Neurasthenia in children, sleeplessness, chlorosis.
Predisposition to Colds; anaemia, scrofulosis, dental caries in pregnant women and rachitic subjects (rickets or disturbance in bone formation due to vitamin D deficiency, specially in infancy and childhood), leukorrhoea in young girls, disturbance of growth, pains at bone structures. Chronic gastrointestinal catarrh, too weak menstruation, weakness of pelvic floor.
Calcarea sulphurica (Calcium sulphate) Available brands, buy online:,Calc sulph detoxifies the blood. This salt is generally used in suppurating (pus forming) conditions. It has a favorable influence on ulcers and suppurative (pus forming) processes, no matter where these processes are located. It can be given successfully in alternation with Silicea. It is particularly effective in cases of open abscesses, furuncles, carbuncles and other non-healing suppurative processes.
Good results can also be obtained in the case of suppurative bronchitis, suppurative sinusitis and protracted tonsillitis. Abscesses, furuncles, pyodermia, keratitis, periostitis, osteomyelitis and other chronic suppurations and ulcers. Anal fistulas. Ferrum phosphoricum (Iron phosphate) Available brands, buy online:,Ferrum phos is present in the makeup (composition) of hemoglobin.
It has the ability to draw oxygen from inhaled air and carry it to the blood. Iron phosphate is a salt that occurs in the whole human organism, particularly in the blood. Anemic-chlorotic type, fair, pale, blue veins. Vascular lability, alternating between pale and flushed.
Congestive headaches accompanied by migraine-like conditions, throbbing and pulsating in the head accompanied by flushing of the face, feeling of cold. Diarrhoea after every meal. Irritable bladder with incontinence. Feverish conditions.
Often accompanied by rusty sputum. Rheumatoid pains in all muscles and joints and particularly in the shoulder girdle and in the region of the deltoid muscle.
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Menorrhagia and leukorrhoea in the case of anemic patients. Important remedy for all Kalium muriaticum (potassium chloride) Available brands, buy online:,Kali mur is a salt indicated for catarrh conditions and glandular swelling.
Potassium chloride forms part of almost all body cells. Grey-coated base of tongue. Extensive coughing with ropy, white-grey sputum. Generalised swelling of the lymphatic glands in the case of infectious diseases like measles, mumps. Marginal blepharitis. Spasmodic cough, asthmatic conditions, pharyngeal catarrh, chronic as well as follicular tonsillitis, catarrhal otitis media and inflammation of the eustachian tube with much creamy, ropy, white secretion. Chronic cystitis with much white mucus.
Leukorrhoea, effusive menstruation, haemorrhage very dark. Hypersensitivity to fats; constipation and piles. Chronic gastroenteritis accompanied by vomiting or diarrhoea.
Chronic hepatopathy, chronic polyarthritis with fibrinous exudations in the joints. Pustular exanthemas on the skin; the vesicles contain creamy white secretion.
Kalium phosphoricum (Potassium Phosphate) Available brands, buy online:,Kali phos is referred to as the nerve cell mineral. It treats muscle & nerve weakness and is good for sexual weakness (impotence or ed). This tissue salt is indicated in cases of impatient, weak, and emotional individuals.Potassium phosphate is present primarily in the tissue fluid of the brain and nerve cells. Nervous exhaustion, head fatigue, general neurasthenia, incapability of doing mental work, general restlessness, irritability, depressions and anxiety neurosis. Nervous forgetfulness despite mental alertness. Nervous foetid diarrhoea, leucorrhoea.
All secretions are putrid and offensive. Neurasthenia, general exhaustion (particularly after infectious diseases), mental and muscular fatigue occurring together with pains in the back. Depressions, nervous sleeplessness, agoraphobia (morbid fear of open spaces). Psychoses, nervous gastro-intestinal catarrhs, colitis mucosa, leukorrhoea and dysmenorrhoea. Important remedy against all highly feverish conditions (except tuberculosis, for which Ferrum phosphoricum should be preferred).
Kalium sulfuricum (potassium sulphate) Available brands, buy online:,Kali sulph is similar to Ferrum phos. It helps carry oxygen to the blood. It is present in all cells that contain iron. This salt is well indicated for skin conditions. Kalium sulphuricum is found in the epithelial cells of the skin and the mucosa. Mucosa with thick creamy yellow secretion. Depressive mood with a tendency to tears.
There is coughing accompanied by a heavy mucous. Rheumatism following exposure to wet conditions. Catarrhal jaundice. Often inflammation of the mucosa and predisposition to coryza and to sinusitis. Conjunctivitis and predisposition to recidivous (recurrent) otitis media. Greenish-yellow vaginal discharge. BlepharoconjunctIvitis, otitis media, bronchitis, pharyangolaryngitis, sinusitis, chronic otitis media, ozeena (foul-smelling discharge from the nose), chronic gastritis, scariatinal nephritis.
Natrum muriaticum (sodium chloride) Available brands, buy online:,Nat mur has affinity with water distribution. It ensures a balance of moisture throughout the organism. It is indicated in conditions where too much water or dryness appears in the system. Natrum muriaticum is found in all body fluids and tissues; it regulates the body’s fluid balance; in low concentrations It promotes digestion and in particular the fluid metabolism. Undernourished and run-down physical condition.
Pessimistic, tired, pale type. Conditions following chronic vegetative disturbances. Scrofulous, arthritic and herpetic diathesis. Foetid breath.
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Chronic catarrhal pharyngitis, laryngitis and bronchitis. Eczematous and pustulous eruptions, particularly In the skin folds of the joints; the skin chaps easily. Cracked lips, sores on the nostrils, often hangnails. Loss of heir. Furuncoulosis, urticaria, diffuse sweating. General neurasthenia. Chronic affection of the glands.
Bulimia (abnormal increase in sensation of hunger), rapidly attaining a feeling of fullness. Weakness of the bladder muscles, lack of libido.
Leukorrhoea and persistent constipation, crumbly stools. General loss of weight, often pains In the back and feeling of depression. Scrofulosis, chronic headaches and migraine, chronic rhinitis and & bronchitis, vegetative dystonla (impairment of muscular tonus) accompanied by nervous heart trouble and hyperthyreosis, hepatopathy, chronic enteritis, chronic constipation. Hypermenorrhoea, seborrhoeic eczemas.
Natrum phosphorica (Sodium phosphate) Available brands, buy online:,Nat phos is an essential salt for the digestive tract. It neutralizes acids and helps with the assimilation of fats and other nutrients. This salt is well indicated for symptoms of hyper-acidity.
Sodium phosphate is a constituent of the-blood corpuscles, the muscle, nerve and brain cells, and the tissue fluids. The main target is the gastro-intestinal tract. In addition it has a modifying effect in cases of stone diathesis and arthritic-gouty constitution. Overacidity of all body fluids and all excretions is typical symptom. Hyperacidity, sour eructation, sour vomiting and heartburn. Frequent diarrhoea because of hyper-acidity.
Excess of urates and other deposits in the tissues, sometimes even gouty changes In the Joints. Lithiasis produced by the crystallisation of uric acid. Hyperacidity, heartburn, fermentative dyspepsia, uric-acid diathesis, arthritis, gout, lithiasic diathesis, chronic gastroenteritis, scrofulosis, cystitis, enuresis nocturne. Natrum Sulphuricum (sodium suplhate) Available brands, buy online:,Nat sulph helps excrete excessive water from the system. The main targets are liver, gallbladder and gastrointestinal tract. It is suitable for people who have a constitutional tendency to accumulate tissue fluid. They feel cold even in a warm bed.
They get easily exhausted and suffer from daytime fatigue. Lancinating (tearing, sharply cutting) pains in the left chest and left hip.
Predisposition to gallbladder and liver diseases and to jaundice; so-called “bilious type. Inflammation of the gastric mucosa and the intestines frequently accompany these symptoms.
Serious effects of moist climate, malarial sequels, gastroduodenitis, hepatopathy, cholecystopathy, icterus, hepatogenous diarrhoea, uric acid diathesis, pancreatitis, oedematous diathesis. Silicea Available brands, buy online:,Silicea is found in the hair, skin, nails, and connective tissues. It is well indicated for pus formation and suppuration.It is the substance that forms the tissues. It is therefore found in the cells of the connective tissue, in the skin, the nails and the hair. Constitutionally underdeveloped, dystrophic (any disorder due to defective or faulty nutrition) children with frog belly and old, withered appearance. At a later age weak, depressive, incapable of physical and mental efforts. Headaches proceeding from the occiput and moving towards the eyes; better from wrapping up warmly (typical).
All suppurations are slow to react, greasy and chronic. Predisposition to fistulas. All secretions are thin, caustic and putrid.
Dystrophic, rachitic, exudative and scrofulous children. All kinds of chronic suppurative processes. Chronic otitis media and otitis externa. Eczema’s in the auditory canal. Chronic blepharo-conjunctivitis, dacryocystoblennorrhoea (chronic catarrhal inflammation of the lacrimal sac, with constriction of the lacrimal gland) etc.
Fistulas; lymphomas: organ tuberculosis; lymphatism. Growth disturbances of hair and nails.
Skin does not heal easily. I am suffering from Vertigo. In the initial stage I had tinnitus problem but later on vertigo also started.
Now I am facing both vertigo with tinnitus. I don’t feel any appetite.
I feel blockade/fullness in ear, pain in ear and ear becomes hot and a continuous buzzing sound is there. I have started taking Kali Phos 6x, Nat Mur 6x, Mag Phos 6x and cilicea. There is little relief. Please advise me which medicines will be effective for me.
Do I need to add more. I am frustrated with my problem. Please advise.